WEEKEND OVER :(
Coming home from the market -  
Can you guess what's in my basket?
Another weekend has come and gone, and I’m sure glad it’s a rest day today. The 372 lunges from yesterday sure did a number on my butt! Yesterday’s post wod bike ride ended up being a ride to the farmers market to pick up some ingredients to make some new and exciting food. Hopefully you’ll see some new creations from "Eating with Jefff" this week. Also made some yummy pumpkin pesto with the new food processor, elevate me bars are next for the making. Watch for recipes coming soon.

OPT BIG DAWG CHALLENGE – September 25th.
Mark your calendars and don’t forget to register at the OPT store for the first challenge in the OPT Big Dawg series of 2011. The Hound Pound will be one of the official facilities to host this challenge. This will be an exciting day of epic head-to-head match-ups. The goal is for the Hound Pound to double up on every piece of equipment so athletes can compete in head-to-head heats. The Hound Pound will be open all day for this, but time slots will be given to those on a first come basis. Email me once you've registered and if you have a preferred time you’d like to do this at, and I’ll put together a schedule and match athletes for the heats. Or post to comments if there is somone you'd like to challenge to a battle. We will also be posting competitor profiles in the weeks leading up to the event. This is an online challenge with athletes from all over the world – all you have to do is complete the    workout(s) in the timeframe given and post your results to the OPT blog. And this goes without saying, but to keep all things fair you must ensure that you are honest and everything is “legit”. If you complete this at the Hound Pound you will know that you're legit. Hound Pound will precisely measure and ensure all distances and heights for accuracy. We will count your reps and ensure all movements are performed as rx’d with full extension and ROM. And we’ll even video your battle. It’s going to be an exciting day at the Hound Pound and for the CF communicity. Don't miss out on this great experience. Register now!!!

This will be updated this evening. Be sure to check back.


  1. Count me in for the challenge.
    @Bill – you took my shirt and now I’ll take you. You’re mine September 25 – I challenge you to battle. Bring on the muscle ups. WOOF!

  2. This site is pure fun! See you Saturday!
