Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Hound Pound Basic Training - Lifting Level starts tonight and the class is a full house. For those of you already signed up, we'll see you at 6:00 - come ready to "pull". For those who did not sign up in time, you can EMAIL ME to reserve your spot in the next session.

A Proud Poppi

This one is for all you Ukrainian paleo eaters out there. I have created the most fantastic paleo cabbage rolls, actually 72 to be specific. With the help of my family, we made 6 dozen delicious ground bison, cauliflower and onion, cabbage wrapped treats. These were not easy to make, but after eating the first one last night, definitely worth the effort.

(per cabbage – approx. 24 cabbage rolls)

- 1 medium sized head of cabbage
- 1.5-2 lbs of ground bison /or beef (your choice)
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 3 heads of cauliflower
- 1 Tsp sea salt
- 1 Tsp ground pepper
- 1 Egg
Cabbage: Start 2 days before you want to make the rolls
- Cut the core (about 3-4 inches ) out of the cabbage
- Boil cabbage head for about 15 minutes. Note: If you’re like me and don’t have a pot large enough to fully submerge the cabbage, then boil for 15 minutes per side
- Take cabbage out of water and drain/let cool
- Once cool, wrap cabbage head(s) in plastic bags and freeze.
- Take cabbage out to thaw the day before you want make the rolls
- Once the cabbage is thawed, gently pull off each layer and cut about 2” off the root end and turn inside out. It’s now ready for the filling.
In a large mixing bowl add:
- Cauliflower (pulse in a food processor until it’s a ‘crumbly’ consistency)
- Ground bison/or beef
- Garlic
- Salt/pepper
- Mix/stir, and then add egg and mix/stir again
Ready to Roll:
- Take a handful of mixture, pack with your hands and lay it on the core edge of the cabbage wrapper. Gently roll the cabbage over top and pinch/taper edges as you roll.
- Repeat 24-…times until cabbage/mixture is gone
Ready to eat/freeze:
- If you're freezing the rolls for later, then freeze them on cookie sheets (not touching) and then later transfer into containers or bags. This is so they don’t stick together.
- If you’re ready to eat them, then put rolls into a large pot with tomato sauce (could be tomato soup or tomato sauce), and a little bit of water and bring to a boil and then let simmer for about 75 minutes. Or you could do the same in a crock pot.
That’s it. Then just eat and enjoy!
Delicious! A perfect
Paleo Treat!


Check your labels!

This ingredient has invaded a large majority of our food labels, including the “orgainic” and especially the “gluten free” products that we tend to choose over others. For those that are not familiar with this engineered ingredient, it’s basically a combination of bacteria and corn sugar, and used as thickeners and stabilizer in foods. Yum! To be specific, Xanthan gum comes from Xanthomonas campestris, a strain of bacteria (same bacteria responsible for causing black rot to form on cauliflower) used during the fermentation process. This bacteria combined with corn sugar forms a colourless slim stabilizer or thickener known as Xantham Gum. Xanthomonas campestris (bacteria) + corn sugar = xanthan gum.

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