Okay, so this is something that I think is gross, but I do think we are making some progress here. As you know there has been some controversy over this finger lickin’ sandwich being offered in Canada. This sandwich has now been on the market for almost two days now, and I don’t believe anyone has died. What I don’t understand is why this particular fast food sandwich is considered so bad, when so many other fast food chains have items with just as many or more calories, fat and sodium. Shouldn’t they all be banned? The only conclusion that I’ve come to, is the fact that this sandwich has no bun. I think that the white bun institute is in cahoots with the Canadian Health Institute and together they have decided that it’s somehow okay to have a 500-1150* calorie sandwich with two (sometimes three) meat patties, cheese and bacon as long as it’s sandwiched between two “healthy” white floured buns! So, for this reason I welcome the bun-less sandwich. Elimination of one bad ingredient at a time - a step in the right direction. Now we just need to replace the deep-fried MSM, the processed cheese, nitrate filled bacon and the “secret” sauce (I don’t even want to know) and we’re talking.

Double Down Stats
540 calories
30 grams of fat
1740 milligrams of sodium )more than the daily recommended amount!)

* The Triple Cheese Whopper
from Burger King has 1150
calories and 82g of fat, but
don't worry, it's covered by
two buns

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