A new year is upon us.  Did you succeed in accomplishing your 2010 goals?  If so, great! If not, why?  Quite often when goal setting, we think of the end result we want to accomplish, but don’t think about how we are going to get there.

It’s easy to say “this year, I’m going to get fit”.  That’s a great thing to say, and it’s definitely a realistic goal, but how are you going to get fit?  Do you have a game plan?  Do you have the resources you will need in place to get fit?  Have you thought about how your priorities will need to change?

If your goal for 2011 is to get fit, you need to make this a top priority in your life.  This means that some other current priority will have to get bumped down the list.  We have all heard someone say “but I don’t have time for [insert excuse here]”.  Time is the currency used to measure how much you value something.  If you spend 60 hours at your job each week, it’s obvious you value your career.  If you spend an hour each night watching television, you could make an argument that you value your TV time.  If you say “I don’t have time to exercise”, it doesn’t really mean you don’t have time to exercise, it means that work and television are higher priorities than exercise.  Make a list of your priorities, and hold yourself accountable to them.

Game Plan
How are you going to get fit?  Do you have a game plan to accomplish your goal?  If not, did you seek out the resources required that will assist in creating the game plan?  You can’t say “I want to get fit”, and just go at it blindly.  You need to have a game plan in place to make it happen.

Stick With It!
Why does every gym see a lot more business in January, and then less as the year progresses?  We all love the idea of being fit, healthy, lean, strong, etc.  However, not all of us love the idea of working really hard to get there.  If you want lifelong health/wellness/fitness, than you have to work for it, and stick with it!!

Don’t get caught using one of these top 5 excuses!

1. “I’ll do it tomorrow”.  Today is always tomorrow if you continue with this mindset.
2. “I don’t have time”.  You always have time for the things you value most in life.
3. “It’s too hard”. Running across Canada on one leg dying from cancer as Terry Fox did is hard.
4. “He/she can do it, but I can’t”.  He/she can do it because they don’t use this excuse.
5. “I can’t afford it”.  If you can’t afford to invest in your own health, longevity, peace of mind, and serenity, what is it you can afford?

Post your 2011 goals, and your game plan to accomplish them below.  

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