Congratulations to Hound Pound athlete JEFFF for his houndstanding performance in yesterday's CFC4 challenge. The event was to raise money for fitness equipment to go to a CrossFit affiliate in India and it was amazing to see how many people came out to compete and show their support. Extra kudos to those that dressed up in costume and competed! There were two events and JEFFF came in 5th overall. Way to go Jeff.

WOD1 - Scored as 3 separate workouts
A. In 5 minutes:
Row 750m / Teens 600m/ Kids 400m
AMRAP Wallballs – 20# men / 14# women
With a continuously running clock immediately start on B.
B. As many reps in 5 minutes 10 Box jumps – 24” men/20” women
10 Knees to Elbows 
This first WOD would be scored as (1) your row, (2) number of wallballs and (3) reps for B.

WOD 2 
Overhead squat - heaviest Load in 10 minutes

Get ready...
Good pace Jefff!
Keep jumping Jefff!

K2E - dare I say the fastest of the day?
OHS - 195lb...oh so close!

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